Who are we?
We are highly experienced, NMC Registered Midwives, who work independently to offer Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing in your own home. Unlike other providers who may only offer a blood-test service, our NIPT package includes expert counselling to support you in making decisions about which NIPT is right for you, and if a high probability result is returned we have established links with all local NHS units to allow for fast, urgent referral for further testing.
What is Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing?
North Surrey Midwives offer Prenatal Safe and Panorama tests, which both analyse fetal DNA found in a woman’s bloodstream when she is pregnant. These Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (NIPT) assess the chance of the fetus having any of the three most common Trisomy conditions: Downs Syndrome, Patau Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 21, 18 and 13). Sex chromosome anomalies including Turner and Klinefelter syndrome can also be assessed, and rarer Microdeletion conditions can be optionally added (see table below). PrenaTest screens for Trisomy 21 only, with optional gender determination. Note that the Harmony test was recently discontinued due to it being less accurate than these other tests on the market.
What does the screening involve?
Once you have selected which NIPT you would like, the test will be performed in your own home by an experienced midwife, taking around 30 minutes. Blood samples will be taken from your arm. These samples will then be couriered to the relevant partner laboratory who will analyse the blood for fetal DNA.
How do Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests differ from NHS screening?
The screening currently offered to pregnant women on the NHS does not analyse fetal DNA, but rather looks at a range of markers which may indicate you are carrying a baby with Trisomy 13, 18 or 21. These markers include a woman’s age, the space at the back of the fetus’ neck (nuchal fold) and protein levels in the woman’s blood. Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests identify and analyse fetal DNA, making them far more accurate than conventional NHS screening, which only detects 70-80% of fetuses with Downs syndrome (for accuracy statistics, see comparison table below). It is important to understand that all of the NIPTs we offer are still screening tests and do not replace invasive diagnostics (with the risk of miscarriage), so if your result comes back as high risk you will still be recommended to have invasive testing (amniocentisis or CVS).
What is the difference between the Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests that you offer?
This table compares the NIPTs that North Surrey Midwives offer.
Prenatal Safe Test | Panorama Test | PrenaTest (T21 only) |
Available after 10 weeks | Available after 9 weeks | Available after 10 weeks |
£375 | £395 | £275 |
Processed in UK | Processed in USA | Processed in Germany |
Screens for Trisomy 13, 18, 21, sex chromosome aneuploidies | Screens for Trisomy 13, 18, 21, sex chromosome aneuploidies and triploidy | Screens for Trisomy 21 only |
Results in 3-4 business days | Results in 6-9 business days | Results in 7 business days |
Sensitivity* 99.54% T21 (Down’s Syndrome) | Sensitivity* ›99% T21 (Down’s Syndrome) | Sensitivity* ›99% T21 (Down’s Syndrome) |
Sensitivity ›100% T18 (Edwards Syndrome) | Sensitivity 98.2% T18 (Edwards Syndrome) | N/A |
Sensitivity 100% T13 (Patau’s Syndrome) | Sensitivity ›99% T13 (Patau’s Syndrome) | N/A |
N/A | Sensitivity ›99% Triploidy | N/A |
Optional analysis of sex chromosome (x,y) conditions | Optional analysis of sex chromosome (x,y) conditions | N/A |
Optional fetal gender determination 99.9% | Optional fetal gender determination 99.9% | Optional fetal gender determination 99.9% |
Prenatal Safe Plus: Optional analysis of 6 Microdeletions and Trisomy 9 and 16 at cost of £175 (additional processing time). Click here for more information. | Panorama Extended Panel: Optional analysis of 5 Microdeletions at cost of £150 (additional processing time). Click here for more information. | N/A |
*Sensitivity is the ability to correctly identify a truly high risk case as high risk. Note that percentages are obtained from cohort studies. Please ask us if you require other test specifications.
Am I eligible to have a Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT)?
See the table above for eligibility for each of the tests or contact us for more information. Please note you need to have a scan prior to NIPT screening, either from the NHS or privately, in order to date the pregnancy and determine the number of fetuses in utero. We do not provide this service.
Can Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests tell me the gender of my baby?
Yes, and this is included at no extra cost for all tests.
Our package includes:
A telephone consultation to explain the procedure and explore your options (if required)
A home visit to carry out the screening
Confirmation of gender at no additional cost
A follow-up telephone call to discuss the results, including counselling on your options if a high probability result is returned
Urgent referral back into the NHS should a high probability result be returned
PLEASE NOTE: you will need to have had a scan (private or NHS) before we can undertake NIPT screening, to determine gestational age and whether you are having twins/multiples.
How much does NIPT cost?
Please see table above for costs. This is the total cost, there are no additional fees to pay.
What areas do you cover?
We will travel up to 45 minutes from our practice, including (but not limited to): Reading, Esher, Shepperton, Weybridge, Walton on Thames, Cobham, Chertsey, Woking, Camberley, Epsom, Guildford, Godalming, Farnham, Kingston, Surbiton, Richmond, Wimbledon, Twickenham, Teddington, Windsor, Ascot, Bracknell, Alton, Haslemere, Petersfield, Basingstoke. Please enquire to find out if we cover your area.